
Why was this website created?

The aim of this website is to provide free public information on vegetarian nutrition and to give meal suggestions that represent a balanced and healthy application of sound nutrition principles.

Vegetarian Nutrition:

The Nutrition 101 section provides an accurate web based nutritional reference. There are a lot of differing views out there on what constitutes good nutrition. When writing the Nutrition 101 section, a lot of care was taken to select reputable sources and to remain objective and accurate as possible. Minority views often selectively choose studies or sources to support an idea while ignoring others. This site presents the generally accepted consensus viewpoint of respected vegetarian nutritionists and doctors. Information was verified from multiple sources and references are cited.

Meal Ideas:

The meal and snack suggestions are intended to promote the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts & seeds and optionally, in moderation, low-fat dairy and eggs. At the same time, they seek to minimize refined carbohydrates, salt, sugar, saturated fats and to eliminate trans fats and unnatural food additives. The meals are basic, easy to understand meals that you might find on the menus at various international restaurants. The goal is to present a basic set of meals to support a varied vegetarian diet. This is not a recipe site per se which seeks to continually expand the quantity of recipes and to offer new creative and gourmet ideas. Once you have a set of basic meals down, there are a lot of vegetarian recipe books and sites that offer further variety.

Many of the meals are lacto-ovo vegetarian which have a broader appeal to those who are making a transition from a typical Western diet. For those who prefer vegan, most the meals can be easily converted by simply making the appropriate substitutions. Recipes were often developed by modifying standard recipes. The goal was to make them healthier while still maintaining taste and texture. Substitutions generally included; some whole wheat for white flour, some vegetable oil for butter, less salt, less sugar, more veggies etc. Recipes were tested over time with my taste testers (family and friends) to get feedback and refine the final product.

The Need:

Many recipe websites give recipes for a single dish but rarely show an entire meal. The idea here is to show an entire meal that provides a balanced compliment of carbohydrates, protein, fat and of course the fruits & vegetables for a good share of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Many nutritionists know the science but when it comes to a practical application, the recipes and meals suggestions can often seem rather absurd or lacking in taste. On the other hand, many chefs and Food Network shows often go for maximum flavor without regard for health. So, there's the challenge! To make a practical meal that;

  • Is healthy, nutritionally balanced and delicious
  • Is made from commonly accessible ingredients
  • Takes advantage of pre-prepared items that can save time
  • Can be easily prepared. A 30 minute meal is about all the effort most of us would want to make on a weeknight. Weekends and special occasions can be used for more variety and time consuming dishes.

It is my hope that you will find this site useful and that you will be excited to take away a few ideas and incorporated them into your daily menus.

11/5/2012 Dave Carey

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